Well it is time to start thinking about becoming healthier. This is the first real blog I have started and I am hoping as I go through this journey I will keep up with this blog. My biggest problem right now is my weight. I will not disclose how much I weigh becuase, well it is a girl thing....but I will say that I am overweight and uncomfortable with how I look.
I never had much of a problem with my weight until the last few years. It seems as I get older, I am 49 years old, it is harder to lose weight. I am not calling this journey a diet because that is a bad word that seems to set me up for failure. It is a journey to a healthier me. A me that I can be proud of and comfortable with.
I do not like how my clothes fit and I do not like feeling bloated. The feel of my skin tightening is also not comfortable. The only times my skin has felt like this was when I was pregnant...that is not a good sign. I am done feeling this way, it is time to change.
I realize that I have picked a very bad time to begin any kind of healthier living style....the holiday's, uh what a great time to set myself up for failure. So, my journey is beginning however I am not starting in full force yet. I am working myself up to when things begin. I have my plans in place so once the holiday's are done I can move forward. This blog is my first step.
I plan to limit my eating through the next few days, by limit I mean...no more eating after I am full just to eat. I do a lot of nervous eating......but I will allow myself the goodies that will be around me over the next few days.
Once the holiday's are done my real journey will begin. I will go more into detail of that journey when the time comes...
So, that is enough for now. I will check in here and post daily.
Happy blogging....