It is much harder to lose weight after 50 than before. I have to admit though that I really don't have to starve to lose, I just have to eat healthy, eat moderately and drink a lot of water. Exercise is helpful too. But that is not easy and that is not fun so I, like the rest of those who are overweight, am always on the look out for that one amazing diet in which I just take a pill and the pounds fly off.
That magic diet never seems to happen though. I've heard of all the diet programs and the diet pills. I've seen this movie star advertising a diet only to see that same star later on sporting those lost pounds again. It all makes me wonder if those fads are so great, why are people still over weight? If those fads are so easy, why don't people remain thin? Well the answer is, those diets might help a person lose but that loss won't remain unless you learn to live life in a way to keep those pounds off.
I know exactly what to do to drop weight. I can drop the needed pounds easily if I just eat like I should. But I don't do that, I love food too much. I love sweets and well, eating is a pleasure to me. So I wonder if the secret might be to stop looking at food as a pleasure and look at it as a necessary thing I need to sustain life. Yes, eat what I like and enjoy what I eat but don't look to eating for pleasure. Not an easy task.
I think that is why we turn to the fads, we want to continue enjoying our food, we want food to remain a pleasure, it is fun and darn it, it is a way people socialize too.
All those fad diets work short term but for most of us real people, they don't work long term. It is hard when you went from someone who could be thin by thinking thin to someone who looks at a donut and gains five pounds. All of the old cliche sayings fit now."A moment on the lips, means a life time on the hips.".I used to laugh at that saying and now I say it my own self.

That said I am looking forward to eating all the good foods I love at Disneyland....