Sunday, August 14, 2016

Checking in August 14

     This past week was not a good one for eating healthy. I went back to work and first we had a meal provided by the school district. It was not a lot and so it did keep me within my calorie count as far as I figured. I actually did good that night but then the next day went to my building...I had portioned out my lunch and such but when at work everyone decided to pool money together and order pizza. Instead of having self control...I pitched in. I did only eat two pieces but the carbs in my system made for hungry me all day came home and ate more than I should have.

     Yesterday was bad. I woke up craving waffles and peanut butter. So, I made a waffle, toaster waffle, put on PB and syrup. It was delicious! But it made me sluggish all day and hungry all day. So, I gave into that and ate all day long...candy, carbs and all those comfort foods.

     Speaking of comfort foods, I have been feeling super stressed all week and so felt the need for comfort foods. This is something I really need to over come. I am a stress eater. The food helps me not go crazy. I am not a depressed eater but don't want to become depressed.

     So here's to a new day. I will strive to do better today.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Only Down a Pound

      I am a bit disappointed in my lack of progress this past week. I was not as faithful to my eating as I had been and it shows. I only lost 1 LB. Last night actually I ate potato chips and they were oh so yummy. But I must get myself back on to calorie counting or figuring out another way.

     It is very hard to calorie count when you are cooking meals for the family. I try to do it but just can't seem to work it out. So instead of calorie counting or portion control I need to pull out my small plate and try to only eat meals on that plate. That has also worked in the past.

     Oh and of course leave out the chips for sure. Those are completely empty calories and well, they go straight to my hips or other areas I do not want them to go...

     I hope to introduce an exercise program soon. It is hard to do right now.  But I am doing a few aerobics at night before bed. Not much but a few.

     Here's to better choices this coming week.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Different Methods to the Madness of Dieting

      This week has been a rough one for my diet. It was my grandsons birthday and I made a cake. I also made enchiladas for the family. Both of those things make it hard for me to stay on track. So far I have not gained from eating cake but am not sure I will lose by Monday.

     Yesterday I think I stayed within my calorie intake but not for sure. It is hard to keep track of calories in enchiladas. I am just limiting myself to one helping on my small plate.  I also had some cake yesterday but all before 6 PM so hopefully no damage done.

     Today I had enchiladas for lunch and some cake after. I will eat a very small dinner such as an apple or something of the sort. I might have some green beans or maybe some oatmeal but will keep it light.

     Calorie counting works most of the time but smaller portions works better sometimes  when you just cant count calories. It is not always possible.

     I hope to  get on an exercise plan soon. In all honesty I hate exercising. I don't like walking unless it is in California or somewhere pretty like that. Here at home where you  walk
around the same park day after day is boring to me. Plus we have had rain all week...not sprinkles but rain with lightening included.

     I will update in a few days..

Monday, August 1, 2016

Slave to the Scale: A Blessing and a Curse

     For as long as I can remember I have been a slave to the scale. I wake up each morning and step on. I can't start my day without stepping on. I was thinking stepping on the scale daily made it harder on me but now that I think of it again, it is my motivation even if it can be unkind at times.

     Our weight fluctuates on a daily basis. If I don't drink enough water one day I will weigh a pound or so more the next, if I eat later in the night then I will weigh more. If I don't eat after 6 PM I will weigh less. So this is a roller coaster ride for sure.

     I thought that maybe this roller coaster ride was a negative thing but the more I think of it, I think it best to look at my addiction to the scale as a positive and enjoy the ride.

     When I am working on weight loss and I step on the scale it is my motivation to continue on. If I step on and see I have lost any weight, I am excited. If I step on the next day to have gained that back I am discouraged but yet determined to lose that pound again.

     I know the true weight is the one that is taken each week and even that can fluctuate from week to week. However it is a more legitimate guide. How clothes fit and how I feel are the best guide of course but the scale keeps me on track.

     I know from past experience when I stop stepping on my scale the pounds pile on. I even avoid the scale because I know that I am being "naughty". That is when I am just eating what I want and not trying to lose. It is just a pattern with me. So when I finally step on I am depressed.

     I have decided to look at my scale slavery in a new light, it keeps me on track, it drives me and so this curse is only a curse if I let it be one it is more of a blessing to me.

3 Pounds Less!!

     Happy Monday! I stepped on the scales this morning and I am 3 pounds lighter. I must say first off that I was disappointed. I wanted it to be more. But, I know that 3 lbs is great! I know that the slower that you lose it the easier it is to keep off. But yet the back of my mind tells me that I can gain 10 lbs in a week, why can't I lose that much in a week??

     I know though that this is good and I must continue to work toward my first goal of 10 lbs. It hasn't been easy losing this 3 lbs. I have really been loyal to counting calories and it is boring. I did enjoy my soup and am making some oat bran muffins today so I can have a treat once in a while. Yes they are going to be calorie counted too.

     So far have not added exercise to my routine yet. My heel has hurt for weeks making it hard to walk. I do however do leg lifts and such. I will incorporate a routine in soon.